# Currencies

Creating, editing and removing currencies in CoinsEngine is easy!

Curency configurations located in the /plugins/CoinsEngine/currencies/ directory.

By default, on first install, plugin creates 2 currencies: money and coins.

# Currency Creation

Example steps creating Gems currency:

  1. Navigate to the /currencies/ directory.
  2. Duplicate the coins.yml (or any other) currency config.
  3. Rename it to gems.yml and open in text editor.
  4. Change Prefix to Gems
  5. IMPORTANT Change Command_Aliases to gems,gem.
  6. IMPORTANT Change Column_Name to gems or according to this guide.
  7. IMPORTANT Change Synchronized setting according to this guide.
  8. Change Name to Gems.
  9. Change Symbol to 💎.
  10. OPTIONAL Change other settings to your preferences.
  11. Run /coe reload or reboot the server.

# Currency Removal

Example steps removing Gems currency:

  1. Navigate to the /currencies/ directory.
  2. Delete the gems.yml currency config.
  3. Run /coe reload or reboot the server.