# About

Every currency registered in EconomyBridge has a unique identifier (ID). This ID you use in other plugin's configurations, or in your code.

# Features

EconomyBridge provides the following features/options for its currencies:

  • Original ID (from their plugin)
  • Internal ID (from EconomyBridge)
  • Display Name
  • Format
  • Icon
  • Placeholders

If currency's plugin/provider does not have these options, you can configure them with EconomyBridge config.

# Built-in Providers

EconomyBridge has the following built-in currency providers for which you don't need to install any plugins:

Provider ID
Player's XP xp_points
Players's Levels xp_levels

# Supported Plugins

The following plugins are supported by EconomyBridge when you have them installed:

Plugin ID Notes
Vault vault A vault-compatible economy plugin is required (e.g. EssentialsX, CoinsEngine)
BeastTokens beasttokens
CoinsEngine coinsengine_<ID> Replace <ID> with the currency's ID: coinsengine_coins
EliteMobs elitemobs
PlayerPoints playerpoints
UltraEconomy ultraeconomy_<name> Replace <name> with the currency's name value.
VotingPlugin votingplugin